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 Pe(n)sa differente - Lecce

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
key Inviata - 11/06/2015 : 14:43:54
L'ottava edizione di "Pe(n)sa differente" con la lotta all'obesità, all'anoressia, alla bulimia anche con i sorrisi, i colori e creatività.
Dall'11 al 13 giungno, tra Palazzo Vernazza e il Teatro Romano di Lecce, un programma ricco di eventi gratuiti.
1   U L T I M E      R I S P O S T E    (Ultimi inserimenti)
mik3.09 Inviata - 22/06/2021 : 10:39:41
The pandemic has taught us so many lessons, and one of them is to stay healthy and active and not to be easily get caught by any illnesses. It is better safe than never, right? Health is wealth. You need to be stress free and maybe try these games to make you feel relaxed, like - property brothers home design and also - pet rescue saga free pc play. You'll love these games as much as I do.

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